Union Catalogue of the Czech Republic
The Union Catalogue of the Czech Republic — Caslin
The Union Catalogue of the Czech Republic ("UC CR") is operated by the National Library of the Czech Republic in the ALEPH 500 system. The electronic version of the catalogue was started in 1993. At present, it has over two million records of printed monographs, special types of documents and serials, both Czech and from abroad. Work on monographs and special types of documents in the UC CR is shared by 64 largest libraries, which send data to the UC CR in the electronic format. A total of 450 libraries and information institutions cooperate in building the serials section of the UC CR by regularly sending updates on the serials acquisition. Institutions contributing to the UC CR include research and university libraries, libraries of research institutes and institutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences, libraries of museums and galleries, as well as public libraries.
Records from participating libraries are all gathered on to a single base, which creates good conditions for the development of shared cataloguing. The data are stored in the MARC21 format. In the cataloguing, AACR2 rules are adhered to. The standards for subject processing are the UDC and the Conspectus concept.
Information on document location is linked to the Directory of Libraries and Institutions in the CR. The system also provides for a direct link to circulation systems of some libraries. The UC CR base is also connected with the National Authorities base. Records from the UC CR can be taken over free of charge using the Z 39.50 protocol.